$129.99Original price was: $129.99.$56.95Current price is: $56.95.
Baby balance bike is a no-pedal bike, kids need to use their own feet to reach the ground and move their feet to push the bike. It not only exercise kids legs strength, but also teach them how to ride a bike.
Most kids could have no fear and ride this bike easily because they can place their feet solidly on the ground. If you baby can walk or start to walk, this bike would be a great gift for him/her to start walking and riding, since this bike could help them enhance their balance, coordination, and steer abilities at early age.
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Andrea Warner –
My kids love this bike! For reference, my son is 28 inches tall and this fits him nicely.
Margaret Dorsey –
I am so excited about this purchase! My one year old has been having a blast with this bike since I put it together! She will not let it out of her sight. It was very easy to put together and it is incredibly cute! I highly recommend if you have a toddler!
Stacey Estelle –
I love this balance bike, it was easy to install and it looks so cute. The overall product seems like it was built well. I think this is a great little bike before jumping on a two wheeler balance bike.
Loretta Reed –
I got this for my 17 month year old son. He has a little car to sit on but he isn’t very good at pushing himself along. I thought he might do better with this push bike. The second he saw it, he knew how to get on it and he is able to half walk/half ride the bike, which is helping him figure out the leg movements involved in pushing himself along. The bike is light weight too, which is great for a toddler who enjoys carrying his large and small toys around. So far, this little bike has not disappointed!
Elsie Marchese –
My two year old loved this and calls it her “motorcycle.” She rides around on it inside and definitely has a lot of fun.